May We suggest

Vendors We Love

We believe that who we choose to support says a lot about who we are. That’s why we love to support other small businesses who we believe provide exceptional service, quality work, and are just all around great people.

We don’t believe in “kickbacks” and we don’t receive compensation for recommending any of the following vendors. We recommend them because we truly believe you’ll love them as much as we do 🙂 

We have done the hard work for you finding some of the best vendors in the area. You can be confident hiring professionals from this list.

Photo Credit Scarlett Michelle Photography

Luxurious bridal suite at Hemlock Springs
Bridal suite at Hemlock Springs in the Red River Gorge
Reception venue at Hemlock Springs in the Red River Gorge


Canopy 7 and Canopy 9 are located on venue property.

Several of the cabin rental companies listed below manage properties all over the Red River Gorge. Be sure to ask for lodging in either the Cliffview or Scenic Heights Developments or near Rogers, KY as that will ensure you are staying as close to us as possible.

Photo Credit Kevin & Anna Photography

Reception venue at Hemlock Springs in the Red River Gorge


There are a number of wonderful places to stay in the Red River Gorge area, all conveniently located nearby Hemlock Springs. May we recommend:

  • Cliffview Resort – A scenic resort nestled in the woods just 10 minutes from Hemlock Springs, featuring guest rooms at the main Lodge and private Luxury Mega Cabins for your whole party. 
  • Red River Gorge Cabin Rentals – Dozens of rustic-chic cabins and yurts dotted throughout the Red River Gorge area, able to accommodate parties of all sizes. 
  • Red River Gorge Inn – Right on the Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway, this conveniently located motel offers clean, casual comfort with pet-friendly rooms, Roku TV, and an included continental breakfast.
  • Three Rivers Inn– A newly remodeled modern B&B features luxury rooms designed with international decor and an onsite café with fantastic specialty coffee and handmade chocolates.

Photo Credit Kevin & Anna Photography


  • Reverend Diane Walker
  • Jane Langford
  • Drew Stevens
  • Brena Griffin (606) 359-5981



Hair & Makeup

Have you been hired to work a wedding here at Hemlock Springs? Welcome! Please fill out the vendor application below. We will review your application and send a vendor agreement to you.

*NOTE* You MUST have business insurance and you MUST add Hemlock Springs as additional insured if you wish to work at the venue.


The Venue Report: The Hottest New Venues Around The World In 2018

Featured In Green Wedding Shoes

Featured In Kentucky Bride Magazine

The Venue Report: Most Magical Forest Venues You’ll Want To Get Lost In 2019

Featured In Bridal Bliss Magazine

The Venue Report: The Most Beautiful Barn Venues of 2019

If you’re looking for a venue that is classic and yet natural and an experience that is as easy as checking into a five star hotel, you’re in the right place.

We value taking the time to get to know each couple and family that we work with. Our team genuinely cares about your overall experience, and that’s why we’ve created a space designed to reflect your individual style, honor our natural surroundings, and allow you and your guests to relax and enjoy such a memorable day.

Photo Credit: Katch Silva

Fall wedding at Hemlock Springs in the Red River Gorge, KY


sharing our hearts
Fall wedding in the Red River Gorge


Skip and Liz are the heart behind Hemlock Springs. They grew up visiting the Red River Gorge for weekend adventures with their families that ignited a lifelong love for the area and a passion for the outdoors.

Throughout their years of visits, they never happened to meet until the day a mutual friend set them up while rock climbing. They fell in love and decided to settle down in the place that drew them together- building the ceremony site for their own wedding.

Sharing their home and passion for such a special place with others on one of the most memorable days of their lives has brought them full-circle and allows them to preserve their piece of the Red River Gorge. 

Photo Credit Kevin & Anna Photography

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Fall wedding in the Red River Gorge


Whether you desire an intimate elopement, a ready-made pop up style wedding, or a multi-day celebration, we have a package for you. For guest lists of 10 to 150, we can easily accommodate your needs.

Photo Credit Katch Silva


We make your bar service a breeze with our ready-made packages, or customize a package to suite your needs. 

Photo Credit Lila Callie Photography