Thanksgiving Holiday Thoughts
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and taking note of the positives in our lives. This has always been one of the most profound holidays for me because I truly believe that having an attitude of gratitude can have an empowering effect on our lives and those around us. I believe living intentionally and appreciating the good and positive has a ripple affect that touches those around us.
This year, as my health has returned and our business has taken flight, Skip and I consider ourselves incredibly grateful beyond measure.
Every day that we wake up to this view, we are so very fortunate to live in a stunningly gorgeous place, and to be able to share our joy and estate with others is remarkable. We have met so many truly amazing people this past year in the wedding industry as well as phenomenal couples; several of whom have chosen us as their venue.
Although we count our blessings daily, in this season of Thanksgiving, we would like to extend our most heartfelt and sincere thanks so those who have encouraged us, supported us, expanded our business reach, booked with us, believed in our dream and shared words of wisdom.
Let’s keep the attitude of gratitude going! What are YOU thankful for?